James 1:27 NIV Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
The above verse from the Bible is our true calling! It is with great joy that we serve the needs of these precious souls in our village here in Uganda. We cannot do it alone. We need people who will stand with us and support this mission.
There are many opportunities for you to become involved with us!
Change a life! Sponsor a child.
Provide monthly supplies for an elderly person.
You can even supply needs for our farm!
A New Home for our Girls!
In 2018, we started building a new home for our girls. We finished it in 2023, thanks to the love and generosity of some of our sponsors. Learn More
Check out the rest of our website to learn more. Be sure to visit and like our Facebook page, too!